Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz - Fakultät für Informatik
Supervised learning: the correct answer is provided to the system.
Unsupervised learning: no answer is given to the system.
Reinforcement learning: an estimation of the correctness of the answer is provided.
Source: David Silver.
Early 20th century: animal behavior, psychology, operant conditioning
1950s: optimal control, Markov Decision Process, dynamic programming
1970s: trial-and-error learning
1980s: temporal difference learning, Q-learning
2013-now: deep reinforcement learning
Sutton and Barto (1998) . Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press.
Sutton and Barto (2017) . Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press. 2nd edition.
Reinforcement learning comes from animal behavior studies, especially operant conditioning / instrumental learning.
Thorndike’s Law of Effect (1874–1949) suggested that behaviors followed by satisfying consequences tend to be repeated and those that produce unpleasant consequences are less likely to be repeated.
Positive reinforcements (rewards) or negative reinforcements (punishments) can be used to modify behavior (Skinner’s box, 1936).
This form of learning applies to all animals, including humans:
Training (animals, children…)
Addiction, economics, gambling, psychological manipulation…
Behaviorism: only behavior matters, not mental states.
The key concept of RL is trial and error learning.
The agent (rat, robot, algorithm) tries out an action and observes the outcome.
If the outcome is positive (reward), the action is reinforced (more likely to occur again).
If the outcome is negative (punishment), the action will be avoided.
After enough interactions, the agent has learned which action to perform in a given situation.
RL is merely a formalization of the trial-and-error learning paradigm.
The agent has to explore its environment via trial-and-error in order to gain knowledge.
The biggest issue with this approach is that exploring large action spaces might necessitate a lot of trials (sample complexity).
The modern techniques we will see in this course try to reduce the sample complexity.
The agent and the environment interact at discrete time steps: t=0, 1, …
The agent observes its state at time t: s_t \in \mathcal{S}
It produces an action at time t, depending on the available actions in the current state: a_t \in \mathcal{A}(s_t)
It receives a reward according to this action at time t+1: r_{t+1} \in \Re
It updates its state: s_{t+1} \in \mathcal{S}
Source: David Silver.
The state s_t can relate to:
the environment state, i.e. all information external to the agent (position of objects, other agents, etc).
the internal state, information about the agent itself (needs, joint positions, etc).
Generally, the state represents all the information necessary to solve the task.
The agent generally has no access to the states directly, but to observations o_t:
o_t = f(s_t)
Example: camera inputs do not contain all the necessary information such as the agent’s position.
Imperfect information define partially observable problems.
What we search in RL is the optimal policy: which action a should the agent perform in a state s?
The policy \pi maps states into actions.
\begin{aligned} \pi &: \mathcal{S} \times \mathcal{A} \rightarrow P(\mathcal{S})\\ & (s, a) \rightarrow \pi(s, a) = P(a_t = a | s_t = s) \\ \end{aligned}
\sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) = 1
\pi(s, a) = \begin{cases} 1 \; \text{if} \; a = a^* \\ 0 \; \text{if} \; a \neq a^* \\ \end{cases}
The only teaching signal in RL is the reward function.
The reward is a scalar value r_{t+1} provided to the system after each transition (s_t,a_t, s_{t+1}).
Rewards can also be probabilistic (casino).
The mathematical expectation of these rewards defines the expected reward of a transition:
r(s, a, s') = \mathbb{E}_t [r_{t+1} | s_t = s, a_t = a, s_{t+1} = s']
Rewards can be:
dense: a non-zero value is provided after each time step (easy).
sparse: non-zero rewards are given very seldom (difficult).
The goal of the agent is to find a policy that maximizes the sum of future rewards at each timestep.
The discounted sum of future rewards is called the return:
R_t = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \gamma ^k \, r_{t+k+1}
Rewards can be delayed w.r.t to an action: we care about all future rewards to select an action, not only the immediate ones.
Example: in chess, the first moves are as important as the last ones in order to win, but they do not receive reward.
V^\pi(s) = \mathbb{E}_\pi(R_t | s_t = s)
The value of a state defines how good it is to be in that state.
If a state has a high value, it means we will be able to collect a lot of rewards on the long term and on average.
Value functions are central to RL: if we know the value of all states, we can infer the policy.
The optimal action is the one that leads to the state with the highest value.
Most RL methods deal with estimating the value function from experience (trial and error).
Goal: finding the exit as soon as possible.
States: position in the maze (1, 2, 3…).
Actions: up, down, left, right.
Rewards: -1 for each step until the exit.
The value of each state indicates how good it is to be in that state.
It can be learned by trial-and-error given a policy.
Note: the story is actually much more complicated…
Supervised learning
Correct input/output samples are provided by a superviser (training set).
Learning is driven by prediction errors, the difference between the prediction and the target.
Feedback is instantaneous: the target is immediately known.
Time does not matter: training samples are randomly sampled from the training set.
Reinforcement learning
Behavior is acquired through trial and error, no supervision.
Reinforcements (rewards or punishments) change the probability of selecting particular actions.
Feedback is delayed: which action caused the reward? Credit assignment.
Time matters: as behavior gets better, the observed data changes.
Goal: maintaining the pendulum vertical.
States: angle and velocity of the pendulum.
Actions: left and right torques.
Rewards: cosine distance to the vertical.
Goal: maintaining the pole vertical by moving the cart left or right.
States: position and speed of the cart, angle and velocity of the pole.
Actions: left and right movements.
Rewards: +1 for each step until failure.
TD-Gammon (Tesauro, 1992) was one of the first AI to beat human experts at a complex game, Backgammon.
States: board configurations.
Actions: piece displacements.
Rewards: +1 for game won, -1 for game lost, 0 otherwise. sparse rewards
Classical tabular RL was limited to toy problems, with few states and actions.
It is only when coupled with deep neural networks that interesting applications of RL became possible.
Deepmind (now Google) started the deep RL hype in 2013 by learning to solve 50+ Atari games with a CNN.
pixel frames.
button presses.
score increases.
Mnih et al. (2013) Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning. NIPS.
Mnih et al. (2013) Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning. NIPS.
pixel frames.
direction, speed.
linear velocity (+), crashes (-)
joint positions.
joint displacements.
linear velocity (+), crashes (-)
AlphaGo was able to beat Lee Sedol in 2016, 19 times World champion.
It relies on human knowledge to bootstrap a RL agent (supervised learning).
The RL agent discovers new strategies by using self-play: during the games against Lee Sedol, it was able to use novel moves which were never played before and surprised its opponent.
Training took several weeks on 1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs.
Silver et al. (2016) Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search. Nature, 529(7587):484–489, arXiv:1712.01815
40% reduction of energy consumption when using deep RL to control the cooling of Google’s datacenters.
States: sensors (temperature, pump speeds).
Actions: 120 output variables (fans, windows).
Rewards: decrease in energy consumption
Degrave et al. (2022) Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas through deep reinforcement learning. Nature, 602(7897). doi/10.1038/s41586-021-04301-9
Roy et al. (2022) PrefixRL: Optimization of Parallel Prefix Circuits using Deep Reinforcement Learning. doi:10.1109/DAC18074.2021.9586094
pixel frames.
joint movements.
successful grasping.
pixel frames, joint position.
joint movements.
shape obtained.
pixel frames.
direction, speed.
time before humans take control.
Deep RL is gaining a lot of importance in AI research.
Lots of applications in control: video games, robotics, industrial applications…
It may be AI’s best shot at producing intelligent behavior, as it does not rely on annotated data.
A lot of problems have to be solved before becoming as mainstream as deep learning.
Sample complexity is often prohibitive.
Energy consumption and computing power simply crazy (AlphaGo: 1 MW, Dota2: 800 petaflop/s-days)
The correct reward function is hard to design, ethical aspects. (inverse RL)
Hard to incorporate expert knowledge. (model-based RL)
Learns single tasks, does not generalize (hierarchical RL, meta-learning)
Basic RL
Model-free RL
Model-based RL