Deep Reinforcement Learning

Dynamic Programming

Julien Vitay

Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz - Fakultät für Informatik

Dynamic Programming (DP)

  • Dynamic Programming (DP) iterates over two steps:

    1. Policy evaluation

      • For a given policy \pi, the value of all states V^\pi(s) or all state-action pairs Q^\pi(s, a) is calculated based on the Bellman equations:

      V^{\pi} (s) = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi} (s') ]

    2. Policy improvement

      • From the current estimated values V^\pi(s) or Q^\pi(s, a), a new better policy \pi is derived.

      \pi' \leftarrow \text{Greedy}(V^\pi)

  • After enough iterations, the policy converges to the optimal policy (if the states are Markov).

  • Two main algorithms: policy iteration and value iteration.

1 - Policy iteration

Policy evaluation

  • Bellman equation for the state s and a fixed policy \pi:

V^{\pi} (s) = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi} (s') ]

  • Let’s note \mathcal{P}_{ss'}^\pi the transition probability between s and s' (dependent on the policy \pi) and \mathcal{R}_{s}^\pi the expected reward in s (also dependent):

\mathcal{P}_{ss'}^\pi = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, p(s' | s, a)

\mathcal{R}_{s}^\pi = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} \, p(s' | s, a) \ r(s, a, s')

  • The Bellman equation becomes V^{\pi} (s) = \mathcal{R}_{s}^\pi + \gamma \, \displaystyle\sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} \, \mathcal{P}_{ss'}^\pi \, V^{\pi} (s')

  • As we have a fixed policy during the evaluation (MRP), the Bellman equation is simplified.

Policy evaluation

  • Let’s now put the Bellman equations in a matrix-vector form.

V^{\pi} (s) = \mathcal{R}_{s}^\pi + \gamma \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} \, \mathcal{P}_{ss'}^\pi \, V^{\pi} (s')

  • We first define the vector of state values \mathbf{V}^\pi:

\mathbf{V}^\pi = \begin{bmatrix} V^\pi(s_1) \\ V^\pi(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ V^\pi(s_n) \\ \end{bmatrix}

  • and the vector of expected reward \mathbf{R}^\pi:

\mathbf{R}^\pi = \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_1) \\ \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_n) \\ \end{bmatrix}

  • The state transition matrix \mathcal{P}^\pi is defined as:

\mathcal{P}^\pi = \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_n}^\pi \\ \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_n}^\pi \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_n}^\pi \\ \end{bmatrix}

Policy evaluation

  • You can simply check that:

\begin{bmatrix} V^\pi(s_1) \\ V^\pi(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ V^\pi(s_n) \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_1) \\ \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ \mathcal{R}^\pi(s_n) \\ \end{bmatrix} + \gamma \, \begin{bmatrix} \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_1 s_n}^\pi \\ \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_2 s_n}^\pi \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_1}^\pi & \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_2}^\pi & \ldots & \mathcal{P}_{s_n s_n}^\pi \\ \end{bmatrix} \times \begin{bmatrix} V^\pi(s_1) \\ V^\pi(s_2) \\ \vdots \\ V^\pi(s_n) \\ \end{bmatrix}

leads to the same equations as:

V^{\pi} (s) = \mathbf{R}_{s}^\pi + \gamma \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} \, \mathcal{P}_{ss'}^\pi \, V^{\pi} (s')

for all states s.

  • The Bellman equations for all states s can therefore be written with a matrix-vector notation as:

\mathbf{V}^\pi = \mathbf{R}^\pi + \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi \, \mathbf{V}^\pi

Policy evaluation

  • The Bellman equations for all states s is:

\mathbf{V}^\pi = \mathbf{R}^\pi + \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi \, \mathbf{V}^\pi

  • If we know \mathcal{P}^\pi and \mathbf{R}^\pi (dynamics of the MDP for the policy \pi), we can simply obtain the state values:

(\mathbb{I} - \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi ) \times \mathbf{V}^\pi = \mathbf{R}^\pi

where \mathbb{I} is the identity matrix, what gives:

\mathbf{V}^\pi = (\mathbb{I} - \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi )^{-1} \times \mathbf{R}^\pi

  • Done!

  • But, if we have n states, the matrix \mathcal{P}^\pi has n^2 elements.

  • Inverting \mathbb{I} - \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi requires at least \mathcal{O}(n^{2.37}) operations.

  • Forget it if you have more than a thousand states (1000^{2.37} \approx 13 million operations).

  • In dynamic programming, we will use iterative methods to estimate \mathbf{V}^\pi.

Iterative policy evaluation

  • The idea of iterative policy evaluation (IPE) is to consider a sequence of consecutive state-value functions which should converge from initially wrong estimates V_0(s) towards the real state-value function V^{\pi}(s).

V_0 \rightarrow V_1 \rightarrow V_2 \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow V_k \rightarrow V_{k+1} \rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow V^\pi

  • The value function at step k+1 V_{k+1}(s) is computed using the previous estimates V_{k}(s) and the Bellman equation transformed into an update rule.

  • In vector notation:

\mathbf{V}_{k+1} = \mathbf{R}^\pi + \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi \, \mathbf{V}_k

Iterative policy evaluation

  • Let’s start with dummy (e.g. random) initial estimates V_0(s) for the value of every state s.

  • We can obtain new estimates V_1(s) which are slightly less wrong by applying once the Bellman operator:

V_{1} (s) \leftarrow \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_0 (s') ] \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

  • Based on these estimates V_1(s), we can obtain even better estimates V_2(s) by applying again the Bellman operator:

V_{2} (s) \leftarrow \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_1 (s') ] \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

  • Generally, state-value function estimates are improved iteratively through:

V_{k+1} (s) \leftarrow \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_k (s') ] \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

  • V_\infty = V^{\pi} is a fixed point of this update rule because of the uniqueness of the solution to the Bellman equation.

Bellman operator

  • The Bellman operator \mathcal{T}^\pi is a mapping between two vector spaces:

\mathcal{T}^\pi (\mathbf{V}) = \mathbf{R}^\pi + \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi \, \mathbf{V}

  • If you apply repeatedly the Bellman operator on any initial vector \mathbf{V}_0, it converges towards the solution of the Bellman equations \mathbf{V}^\pi.

  • Mathematically speaking, \mathcal{T}^\pi is a \gamma-contraction, i.e. it makes value functions closer by at least \gamma:

|| \mathcal{T}^\pi (\mathbf{V}) - \mathcal{T}^\pi (\mathbf{U})||_\infty \leq \gamma \, ||\mathbf{V} - \mathbf{U} ||_\infty

  • The contraction mapping theorem ensures that \mathcal{T}^\pi converges to an unique fixed point:

    • Existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Bellman equations.

Backup diagram of IPE

  • Iterative Policy Evaluation relies on full backups: it backs up the value of ALL possible successive states into the new value of a state.

V_{k+1} (s) \leftarrow \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_k (s') ] \quad \forall s \in \mathcal{S}

  • Backup diagram: which other values do you need to know in order to update one value?
  • The backups are synchronous: all states are backed up in parallel.

\mathbf{V}_{k+1} = \mathbf{R}^\pi + \gamma \, \mathcal{P}^\pi \, \mathbf{V}_k

  • The termination of iterative policy evaluation has to be controlled by hand, as the convergence of the algorithm is only at the limit.

  • It is good practice to look at the variations on the values of the different states, and stop the iteration when this variation falls below a predefined threshold.

Iterative policy evaluation

  • For a fixed policy \pi, initialize V(s)=0 \; \forall s \in \mathcal{S}.

  • while not converged:

    • for all states s:

      • V_\text{target}(s) = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V (s') ]
    • \delta =0

    • for all states s:

      • \delta = \max(\delta, |V(s) - V_\text{target}(s)|)

      • V(s) = V_\text{target}(s)

    • if \delta < \delta_\text{threshold}:

      • converged = True

Dynamic Programming (DP)

  • Dynamic Programming (DP) iterates over two steps:

    1. Policy evaluation

      • For a given policy \pi, the value of all states V^\pi(s) or all state-action pairs Q^\pi(s, a) is calculated based on the Bellman equations:

      V^{\pi} (s) = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi} (s') ]

    2. Policy improvement

      • From the current estimated values V^\pi(s) or Q^\pi(s, a), a new better policy \pi is derived.

Policy improvement

  • For each state s, we would like to know if we should deterministically choose an action a \neq \pi(s) or not in order to improve the policy.
  • The value of an action a in the state s for the policy \pi is given by:

Q^{\pi} (s, a) = \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi}(s') ]

  • If the Q-value of an action a is higher than the one currently selected by the deterministic policy:

Q^{\pi} (s, a) > Q^{\pi} (s, \pi(s)) = V^{\pi}(s)

then it is better to select a once in s and thereafter follow \pi.

  • If there is no better action, we keep the previous policy for this state.

  • This corresponds to a greedy action selection over the Q-values, defining a deterministic policy \pi(s):

\pi(s) \leftarrow \text{argmax}_a \, Q^{\pi} (s, a) = \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi}(s') ]

Policy improvement

  • After the policy improvement, the Q-value of each deterministic action \pi(s) has increased or stayed the same.

\text{argmax}_a Q^{\pi} (s, a) = \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi}(s') ] \geq Q^\pi(s, \pi(s))

  • This defines an improved policy \pi', where all states and actions have a higher value than previously.

  • Greedy action selection over the state value function implements policy improvement:

\pi' \leftarrow \text{Greedy}(V^\pi)

Greedy policy improvement:

  • for each state s \in \mathcal{S}:

    • \pi(s) \leftarrow \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi}(s') ]

Policy iteration

  • Once a policy \pi has been improved using V^{\pi} to yield a better policy \pi', we can then compute V^{\pi'} and improve it again to yield an even better policy \pi''.

  • The algorithm policy iteration successively uses policy evaluation and policy improvement to find the optimal policy.

\pi_0 \xrightarrow[]{E} V^{\pi_0} \xrightarrow[]{I} \pi_1 \xrightarrow[]{E} V^{\pi^1} \xrightarrow[]{I} ... \xrightarrow[]{I} \pi^* \xrightarrow[]{E} V^{*}

  • The optimal policy being deterministic, policy improvement can be greedy over the state values.

  • If the policy does not change after policy improvement, the optimal policy has been found.

Policy iteration

  • Initialize a deterministic policy \pi(s) and set V(s)=0 \; \forall s \in \mathcal{S}.

  • while \pi is not optimal:

    • while not converged: # Policy evaluation

      • for all states s:

        • V_\text{target}(s) = \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V (s') ]
      • for all states s:

        • V(s) = V_\text{target}(s)
    • for each state s \in \mathcal{S}: # Policy improvement

      • \pi(s) \leftarrow \text{argmax}_a \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V^{\pi}(s') ]
    • if \pi has not changed: break

2 - Value iteration

Value iteration

  • One drawback of policy iteration is that it uses a full policy evaluation, which can be computationally exhaustive as the convergence of V_k is only at the limit and the number of states can be huge.

  • The idea of value iteration is to interleave policy evaluation and policy improvement, so that the policy is improved after EACH iteration of policy evaluation, not after complete convergence.

  • As policy improvement returns a deterministic greedy policy, updating of the value of a state is then simpler:

V_{k+1}(s) = \max_a \sum_{s'} p(s' | s,a) [r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_k(s') ]

  • Note that this is equivalent to turning the Bellman optimality equation into an update rule.

  • Value iteration converges to V^*, faster than policy iteration, and should be stopped when the values do not change much anymore.

Value iteration

  • Initialize a deterministic policy \pi(s) and set V(s)=0 \; \forall s \in \mathcal{S}.

  • while not converged:

    • for all states s:

      • V_\text{target}(s) = \max_a \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V (s') ]
    • \delta = 0

    • for all states s:

      • \delta = \max(\delta, |V(s) - V_\text{target}(s)|)

      • V(s) = V_\text{target}(s)

    • if \delta < \delta_\text{threshold}:

      • converged = True

Comparison of Policy- and Value-iteration

Full policy-evaluation backup

V_{k+1} (s) \leftarrow \sum_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \pi(s, a) \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_k (s') ]

Full value-iteration backup

V_{k+1} (s) \leftarrow \max_{a \in \mathcal{A}(s)} \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V_k (s') ]

Asynchronous dynamic programming

  • Synchronous DP requires exhaustive sweeps of the entire state set (synchronous backups).

    • while not converged:

      • for all states s:

        • V_\text{target}(s) = \max_a \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V (s') ]
      • for all states s:

        • V(s) = V_\text{target}(s)
  • Asynchronous DP updates instead each state independently and asynchronously (in-place):

    • while not converged:

      • Pick a state s randomly (or following a heuristic).

      • Update the value of this state.

      V(s) = \max_a \, \sum_{s' \in \mathcal{S}} p(s' | s, a) \, [ r(s, a, s') + \gamma \, V (s') ]

  • We must still ensure that all states are visited, but their frequency and order is irrelevant.

Efficiency of Dynamic Programming

  • Policy-iteration and value-iteration consist of alternations between policy evaluation and policy improvement, although at different frequencies.

  • This principle is called Generalized Policy Iteration (GPI).

  • Finding an optimal policy is polynomial in the number of states and actions: \mathcal{O}(n^2 \, m) (n is the number of states, m the number of actions).

  • However, the number of states is often astronomical, e.g., often growing exponentially with the number of state variables (what Bellman called “the curse of dimensionality”).

  • In practice, classical DP can only be applied to problems with a few millions of states.

Curse of dimensionality


  • If one variable can be represented by 5 discrete values:

    • 2 variables necessitate 25 states,

    • 3 variables need 125 states, and so on…

  • The number of states explodes exponentially with the number of dimensions of the problem.