Deep Reinforcement Learning

Model-based RL

Julien Vitay

Professur für Künstliche Intelligenz - Fakultät für Informatik

1 - Model-based RL

Model-free vs. model-based RL

Source: Dayan P, Niv Y. (2008). Reinforcement learning: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, Cognitive neuroscience 18:185–196. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2008.08.003
  • In model-free RL (MF) methods, we do not need to know anything about the dynamics of the environment to start learning a policy:

p(s_{t+1} | s_t, a_t) \; \; r(s_t, a_t, s_{t+1})

  • We just sample transitions (s, a, r, s') and update Q-values or a policy network.

  • The main advantage is that the agent does not need to “think” when acting: just select the action with highest Q-value (reflexive behavior).

  • The other advantage is that you can use MF methods on any MDP: you do not need to know anything about them.

  • But MF methods are very slow (sample complexity): as they make no assumption, they have to learn everything by trial-and-error from scratch.

Model-free vs. model-based RL

  • If you had a model of the environment, you could plan ahead (what would happen if I did that?) and speed up learning (do not explore stupid ideas): model-based RL (MB).
  • In chess, players plan ahead the possible moves up to a certain horizon and evaluate moves based on their emulated consequences.
  • In real-time strategy games, learning the environment (world model) is part of the strategy: you do not attack right away.

Two families of deep RL algorithms


2 - Model Predictive Control

Learning the world model

  • Learning the world model is not complicated in theory.

  • We just need to collect enough transitions s_t, a_t, s_{t+1}, r_{t+1} using a random agent (or during learning) and train a supervised model to predict the next state and reward.

  • Such a model is called the dynamics model, the transition model or the forward model.

    • What happens if I do that?
  • The model can be deterministic (use neural networks) or stochastic (use Gaussian Processes).

  • Given an initial state s_0 and a policy \pi, you can unroll the future using the local model.

Learning from imaginary rollouts

  • Once you have a good transition model, you can generate rollouts, i.e. imaginary trajectories / episodes using the model.

\tau = (s_o, a_o, r_ 1, s_1, a_1, \ldots, s_T)

  • You can then feed these trajectories to any model-free algorithm (value-based, policy-gradient) that will learn to maximize the returns.

\mathcal{J}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{\tau}[R(\tau)]

  • The only sample complexity is the one needed to train the model: the rest is emulated.

  • Drawback: This can only work when the model is close to perfect, especially for long trajectories or probabilistic MDPs.

Imperfect model

  • For long horizons, the slightest imperfection in the model can accumulate (drift) and lead to completely wrong trajectories.


  • The emulated trajectory will have a biased return, the algorithm does not converge to the optimal policy.

  • If you have a perfect model, you should not be using RL anyway, as classical control methods would be much faster (but see AlphaGo).

MPC - Model Predictive Control

  • The solution is to replan at each time step and execute only the first planned action in the real environment.
  • Model Predictive Control iteratively plans complete trajectories, but only selects the first action.

MPC - Model Predictive Control

MPC - Model Predictive Control

  • The planner can actually be anything, it does not have to be a RL algorithm.

  • For example, it can be iLQR (Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator), a non-linear optimization method.

  • Alternatively, one can use random-sampling shooting:

    1. in the current state, select a set of possible actions.

    2. generate rollouts with these actions and compute their returns using the model.

    3. select the action whose rollout has the highest return.

MPC - Model Predictive Control

  • The main advantage of MPC is that you can change the reward function (the goal) on the fly: what you learn is the model, but planning is just an optimization procedure.

  • You can set intermediary goals to the agent very flexibly: no need for a well-defined reward function.

  • Model imperfection is not a problem as you replan all the time. The model can adapt to changes in the environment (slippery terrain, simulation to real-world).

3 - Dyna-Q


  • Another approach to MB RL is to augment MF methods with MB rollouts.

  • The MF algorithm (e.g. Q-learning) learns from transitions (s, a, r, s') sampled either with:

    • real experience: interaction with the environment.

    • simulated experience: simulation by the model.

  • If the simulated transitions are good enough, the MF algorithm can converge using much less real transitions, thereby reducing its sample complexity.

  • The Dyna-Q algorithm is an extension of Q-learning to integrate a model M(s, a) = (s', r').

  • The model can be tabular or approximated with a NN.


  • Initialize values Q(s, a) and model M(s, a).

  • for t \in [0, T_\text{total}]:

    • Select a_t using Q, take it on the real environment and observe s_{t+1} and r_{t+1}.

    • Update the Q-value of the real action:

    \Delta Q(s_t, a_t) = \alpha \, (r_{t+1} + \gamma \, \max_a Q(s_{t+1}, a) - Q(s_t, a_t))

    • Update the model:

    M(s_t, a_t) \leftarrow (s_{t+1}, r_{t+1})

    • for K steps:

      • Sample a state s_k from a list of visited states.

      • Select a_k using Q, predict s_{k+1} and r_{k+1} using the model M(s_k, a_k).

      • Update the Q-value of the imagined action:

      \Delta Q(s_k, a_k) = \alpha \, (r_{k+1} + \gamma \, \max_a Q(s_{k+1}, a) - Q(s_k, a_k))


  • It is interesting to notice that Dyna-Q is very similar to DQN and its experience replay memory.

  • In DQN, the ERM stores real transitions generated in the past.

  • In Dyna-Q, the model generates imagined transitions based on past real transitions.